Monday, July 5, 2010

Summertime Fun

A bunch of us moms arranged a day beach trip. Candice had a blast she loves being outdoors and hanging out with all her little buddies.
Tulip festival in Carlsbad. There are miles of colorful tulips. It's breathtaking!
Candice and her buddy Analyn stopping for a snack.
Trip to Utah and a day of swimming. Candice's first real swimming experience. She loved every minute.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

1st Birthday Cake

After a long day in the kitchen... Ta Da!!! (as Candice would say) The finished masterpiece created with much love by Grandma Young.

More poking and a close up of Candice's mini cake. This is the best picture I have of this one.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


The Pumpkin Patch! We went with our friends Andrea and Justin and thier 2 kiddos. This place was awsome. It had a very interactive petty zoo, pig races, and pony rides.

Candice was kicking the horse. A real pro.

Candice wasn't afraid of the animals.

SUGAR low...

Sugar HIGH!!!

Now I realize why every little kid carries a big plastic round pumpkin bucket. Because as she would walk with her little felt pail everything would fall out and we the parrents would empty her bucket into our pockets. So, every door we went to they would see he sad little empty pail and gerously load her up.

This is Candice and Jake. We spent the evening with our friends Steve and Rachel. We also planned on carving pumpkins but instead watched the proposal. It's hillarious!!

She walked up to this ladybug and was fascinated with her sparkly antena.


It's a little sloppy and lasted about 5 minutes but isn't she adorable? I have to get some more durable holders and could use more practice. This the begining of our little girl.

Monday, November 2, 2009

1st Birthday Party

I got the piñata mostly to keep her older cousins entertianed and I was surprised how much she enjoyed it as well.

She was thrilled with her gifts especially this baby doll. Her eyes open and close and she giggles when you give her a kiss.

The cake experience: at first she just poked her finger in it and while doing she kept looking at me (mom) as if asking for approval. It took a minute to catch on but eventually she really got into it.

We went to this place called Childs Play, it's an indoor playground that is geared towards younger children. Candice and her cousins had a blast. She especially loved the slide. They have every toy imaginable. Even a bubble machine!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

She loves Grammies blanket!

Happy Birthday Carol!!!!

All dressed up!

I love this picture!

This one is for you Tina.